This week was one of those weeks where I thought I didn’t accomplish anything and then I looked back at the week and realize that, yes, I kinda did.
First, not my post, but a wonderful review of Luminous over at It’s About the Book.
Oh man oh man oh man. What a delightful surprise! The author sent this to me so that I could review the following book about Noir and Al that’s due out on November 25th, Ghosts of Christmas Past (The Phoenix Institute Series). So I settled in last night, knowing that since it was a novella it wouldn’t take me too long. ~STOP~ One hour later I’m floored! It is absolute genius! I fell in love with it from the first page and it never faltered, not even once. It was… simply… luminous.
This warmed my heart because it always warms a writer’s heart when someone absolutely gets your story and loves your characters as much as you do.
And also because the same character, Captain Aloysius James of the Charlton City Police Department and Noir, invisible superhero, are also featured in the soon-to-be released Ghosts of Christmas Past.
I love the hell out of these two and the world they live in, which is my loving homage to Gotham City in the Batman universe. I love them so much that I’m currently writing a very short story for an upcoming holiday book event in which Al goes shopping for Noir’s Christmas present.
It turns out to be a lot more complicated than just a simple trip to the mall. 🙂
Next, there was my post on Beyond the Veil about how inserting a real event into a work of fiction doesn’t necessarily make it believable.
From the post:
One of the final copy edit notes I received back this month for the upcoming Phoenix Inheritance was that the near-deadly snowstorm that opens the book is wrong.
The copy editor, bless her, thought more snow should be present, especially in the aftermath.
Here’s the photo of the real storm. You can read my conclusion at the post.
Our swingset after the October 2011 snowstorm.
I continued my recaps of Gotham, the television show that has such quick cuts that it can make the viewer dizzy. Is Barbara the dumbest woman in a current superhero show? Discuss, as she has competition from Laurel on Arrow and Iris on The Flash.
And over on GeekMom:
1. I reviewed a bunch of new comics, including the Teen Titans Earth 1 graphic novel, Batgirl #36, the second with a new creative team and some innovative artwork, and the new crime novel, The Kitchen, about a group of women who take over their husband’s mob organization. (All pretty good.)
2. I interviewed the new writer of the Wonder Woman comic, Meredith Finch, who received the job amid controversy.
3. And I wrote my regular Cliffs of Insanity column, featuring the European Space Agency landing a spaceship on a comic and the world’s ugliest work shirt, my thoughts on the possible director for the Wonder Woman movie, and my take on Big Hero 6, a movie I adored so much, I wanted to hug it.
Oh, and I wrote 3,000 words on the work in progress and had a great brainstorm about the Big Bad. It’s perfect. I can’t wait to write the rest of the scenes.
Now…the weekend! In which I attempt to clean off the dining room table so we can actually, you know, eat at it, just in time for Thanksgiving dinner.