by Corrina | Apr 2, 2010 | Dinah of Seneca
A little late in the day but here’s the promised snippet. This is from chapter one which begins with Dinah being summoned by the Roman commander. If you’ve been reading my blurbs and the other snippets, you’ll realize that the commander, Tabor, is...
by Corrina | Apr 1, 2010 | Freya's Gift
I was being obsessive earlier and double-checking all my hyperlinks and I discovered that the Freya’s Gift links under the “Books” tab wasn’t working any longer. Samhain did something on their website and cyber-moved me. Heh. It’s...
by Corrina | Mar 28, 2010 | Dinah of Seneca, Freya's Gift
For those of you who have read Freya’s Gift and were intrigued enough to click over to my website, I thought I’d put up a short excerpt from Dinah of Seneca, which is a novel-length sequel set in the same universe. This book is coming out at the end of...
by Corrina | Feb 26, 2010 | Freya's Gift
25 days and counting!! Woot. Available March 23 from Samhain Publishing. Here’s the official blurb, complete with warning about the sex. 🙂 Because, while it is a story of love after loss, it’s also erotica. ********************* Saving her people could...
by Corrina | Feb 19, 2010 | Freya's Gift
Good morning. I missed last week because I got distracted by the Mad Men post. 🙂 Before the snippet, I wanted to announce that the publication date of Freya’s Gift has been moved to March 23 because of some reworking of Samhain’s website. Just a week...