The PAX East 2012 Geek Parenting Panel Watch live video from PAX East 2012 on TwitchTV Yes, I’m in there. ACK. I can’t watch myself on TV but the whole panel was a lot of fun so hopefully you all are much easier on me than I am on myself. 🙂...
Join Us at GeekMom for Steampunk Week!

Join Us at GeekMom for Steampunk Week!

We’re doing a steampunk week over at GeekMom, so pop in this week and check out the articles. I’m particularly taking notes on the Steampunk tea post that we’ll be running but we also have a giveaway going all week as well. I And just in time, I...

Romance, Twilight, & Female Fantasies

I usually don’t post about articles I’ve put up at GeekMom but this one touches on a subject that interests me intensely. Not that I like the Twilight series (I don’t) but how it’s hit a hot button. Especially the backlash against it, which is...