by Corrina | Jun 25, 2010 | Freya's Gift
Just something very short. And it’s not even erotic. I know, bummer. 🙂 *************** “The problem belongs with you, as chief’s wife. If you wish to lead us, then lead us.” Gerhard turned the full intensity of his gaze on her. “Find a way. Or else we will be...
by Corrina | May 20, 2010 | Uncategorized
I’ve just opened to a random page of my book to get this quote. I may make this a habit. 🙂 ************ Sif stood once more and walked to Dinah. Before Dinah could object, Sif grabbed her hand and lifted it to rest on the swollen stomach. Dinah could feel the...
by Corrina | May 3, 2010 | Dinah of Seneca
25 Days to go until publication! ************************ “Tabor, do you understand what you are asking? You want me to sneak into the camp of an enemy I know nothing about, evaluate their strength, and report back, all in a single night? On terrain I know nothing...
by Corrina | Apr 30, 2010 | Dinah of Seneca
I could have sworn I posted Dinah’s first chapter somewhere but apparently while I’ve posted the first meeting of Dinah and Gerhard, and a glimpse of the Roman Commander, Tabor, I neglected Dinah herself. So here it is. ************************** Chapter...
by Corrina | Apr 30, 2010 | Dinah of Seneca
Dinah of Seneca at The Wild Rose Press. Publication Day is getting closer and closer and closer….. Less than thirty days away. Bonus for me–I should have the sequel finished by the time it’s out....