Reality is Scarier Than Fiction

Reality is Scarier Than Fiction

I have a book out today, Ghosts of Christmas Past. I’m proud of it, I love the characters of Al and Noir, I love that it’s a Christmas story, and I love that I was able to integrate A Christmas Carol into the plot. But a part of me feels like it’s a...
This Week’s Accomplishments!

This Week’s Accomplishments!

This week was one of those weeks where I thought I didn’t accomplish anything and then I looked back at the week and realize that, yes, I kinda did. First, not my post, but a wonderful review of Luminous over at It’s About the Book. From the review: Oh man...
Holidays, Sex & Gotham

Holidays, Sex & Gotham

On the holidays, I have an upcoming release! Already up on Amazon for pre-order. It’s my vision of Christmas in a Gotham-like city. So there’s a bit of murder but also more than a bit of sex. Unfortunately, there’s precious little sex in the...